Profollica With Millet

Profollica With Millet


Combat Hair Loss with a Biologically Active Supplement

Hair loss is a common concern for many, but there’s a powerful solution available: a biologically active supplement designed to help prevent hair loss and stimulate new hair growth. Derived from gluten-free wheat and enriched with essential hair-friendly nutrients, this supplement is your go-to for healthier, stronger hair.

Helps Prevent Hair Loss

One of the primary benefits of this biologically active supplement is its ability to help prevent hair loss. Whether you’re experiencing thinning hair or noticing more strands in your brush, this supplement can protect what you have and maintain your hair’s natural thickness. The key is to act quickly before hair follicles are permanently damaged.

Stimulates New Hair Growth

In addition to preventing hair loss, this supplement also stimulates the regrowth of hair. With ingredients like millet extract, which is known for its positive effects on hair health, you can encourage your follicles to produce new, healthy hair. This is essential for both men and women who want to restore their hair to its former glory.

Derived from Gluten-Free Wheat

Our supplement is derived from gluten-free wheat, making it suitable for those with gluten sensitivities. This ensures that everyone can benefit from its powerful hair-boosting properties without worrying about gluten-related issues.

Rich in Hair-Nourishing Nutrients

Packed with nutrients that are beneficial for hair, this supplement includes biotin and fern extract, among others. Biotin is a well-known vitamin for hair health, strengthening hair and preventing breakage. Fern extract adds another layer of protection and nourishment, supporting overall hair vitality.

Millet Extract for Enhanced Hair Growth

Millet extract is a standout ingredient in this supplement, known for promoting better hair growth. This ancient grain is rich in proteins, the building blocks of hair, and helps to prevent hair from becoming brittle. By incorporating millet extract, the supplement offers a comprehensive approach to combating hair loss and encouraging healthy hair growth.

Act Quickly for Best Results

If you’re noticing signs of hair loss, it’s crucial to address the issue promptly. This supplement can help protect existing hair and stimulate new growth, but time is of the essence. Once hair follicles die, they can’t be revived. Taking action now can make all the difference in preserving and enhancing your hair.

Versatile Usage

You can use this supplement on its own or combine it with other hair care products for even greater protection against hair loss. The key is consistency and early intervention to ensure the best possible results.

Key Benefits

1. Biologically Active Supplement: Formulated to help prevent hair loss and stimulate new growth.
2. Prevents Hair Loss: Protects existing hair and maintains natural thickness.
3. Stimulates Hair Regrowth: Encourages new hair production with ingredients like millet extract.
4. Gluten-Free Wheat: Suitable for those with gluten sensitivities.
5. Rich in Hair Nutrients: Includes biotin and fern extract for stronger, healthier hair.
6. Millet Extract: Promotes better hair growth and prevents brittleness.
7. Quick Action Needed: Early intervention is crucial for preserving hair follicles.


Don’t let hair loss define you. With a biologically active supplement rich in essential nutrients and derived from gluten-free wheat, you can prevent hair loss and stimulate new growth. Ingredients like millet extract and biotin ensure your hair stays healthy, strong, and full. Act quickly to protect your hair and enjoy the benefits of this powerful supplement today.